Javascript table plugin

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  • This is for Fabrik 2.x ONLY. For Fabrik 3.0 onwards, use Javascript for Fabrik lists
    Table js plugin.png

    • Access - Which user group should the js be run for?
    • Javascript code - A snippet of js code which is added to the document head. Will always be added regardless of whether a JS File is defined or not
    • JS File - A JS file, which contains a class of the same name. Files are located in components/com_fabrik/plugins/table/tablejs/scripts. The class has a series of methods which are triggered from various table actions
    • Can select rows - If set to yes will enure that a check box is created for each row, presuming no other plug-in prevents this. Useful if your table access levels mean that the checkbox would not normally be displayed, but your JS requires the checkbox to be usable.
    Example js script

    //class name needs to be the same as the file name
    var example = new Class({

    initialize: function(table)
    this.table = table; //the table js object

    //run once the table has run its ondomready event (gives access to this.table.form etc)


    // run when a filter is submitted
    var ok = $('tableform_''input.fabrik_filter').every(function(f) {
    return f.getValue().length >= 0;
    return ok;

    //run when submit button is pressed
    onSubmitTable: function(evnt, task)
    alert('onSubmit: ' + task);
    //return false if you want the form to stop submission

    //run when page navigation occurs
    onNavigate: function() {

    // run when the table is reordered
    onOrder: function() {

    //run when the limit list is changed
    onLimit: function() {

