List CSV list plugin

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  • This plug-in is run on each imported row when importing data from csv files.

    Since ?? it is also run on CSV export.

    It can be useful for massaging data into required formats or performing additional tasks. For example creating a Joomla user for each imported row.

    A useful thread if you are looking to import to import users by CSV:



    • Import Row PHP File- A file containing the PHP to run , located in
      • Fabrik 2.x: components/com_fabrik/plugins/tablecsv/scripts/
      • Fabrik 3.x plugins/fabrik_list/listcsv/scripts
    • Import Row PHP code - Code to run before each rows is imported. $formModel->updateFormData('yourtable___yourelement','new data') will modify the data (see example scripts for details). Returning false will skip the row. Will be run in addition to any selected file, so can call functions defined in the file(s)
    • (to do): for the additional import and export settings see the tooltips

    Example for Fabrik 4​

    Don't use $this in custom code. $listModel can be accessed directly.


    //ensure the file will only be called from within Joomla
    defined('_JEXEC') or die();

    // get a reference to the form model - as we are importing line by line, the form model contains the current
    // data that we are going to submit to the table.

    $formModel = $listModel->getFormModel();

    // the record's data is stored in the array 'formData' - to alter the element 'us_streets___street_desc' to the value 'testing' we use the following line:
    $formModel->formData['us_streets___street_desc'] = "testing";

    Example for Fabrik 3.1 or later​


    //ensure the file will only be called from within Joomla
    defined('_JEXEC') or die();

    // get a reference to the form model - as we are importing line by line, the form model contains the current
    // data that we are going to submit to the table.
    $listModel = $this->getModel();
    $formModel = $listModel->getFormModel();

    // the record's data is stored in the array 'formData' - to alter the element 'us_streets___street_desc' to the value 'testing' we use the following line:
    $formModel->formData['us_streets___street_desc'] = "testing";

    Example for older versions of Fabrik​


    //ensure the file will only be called from within Joomla
    defined('_JEXEC') or die();

    // get a reference to the form model - as we are importing line by line, the form model contains the current
    // data that we are going to submit to the table.
    $formModel = $tableModel->getForm();

    // the record's data is stored in the array 'formData' - to alter the element 'us_streets___street_desc' to the value 'testing' we use the following line:
    $formModel->formData['us_streets___street_desc'] = "testing";