Editing a list

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  • View details​

    You can view the list's details by clicking on the 'view details' link next to each list entry in the list. Each hyperlink on this page goes to the edit form for the associated table part.

    Add / Edit List​


    Details Page​


    • Label - Heading that appears at the top of the list
    • Introduction - The introduction text that appears below the title and before the list
    • Footer text - Text to appear after the list


    Filters are fields or drop downs that enable your users to filter the list's data. Below is an example of a couple of filters:

    Please see the List Filters wiki page for full details on how to use these.

    Note: Lists can also be filtered via the querystring or using prefilters.



    • Rows per page - The default number of records to show in the table
    • Ajaxify - should the filtering/navigation occur without a page refresh
    • Show add - If set to 'No' then the 'add' button will not be shown in the table, regardless of whether the user has ACL rights to add records.
    • Show navigation - Shows or hides the table navigation controls. These controls will only appear when your table has more records that the "Rows per page" value you defined above
    • Show display num - toggles the visibility of the navigation text informing the user of the number of records
    • Show All option - Includes an 'all' option in the navigation drop down that is used to select the number of records to show per page. Turn this off if your table contains a large data set as your users may see an out of memory error when trying to view all the table data.
    • Show total - show the total number of records in the table. If a filter is applied then this shows the total number of filtered records.
    • SEF Slug - When using SEF urls this element's data will be included in the SEF url for each of the table's row's edit/view links.



    • Front end Template - The template to use to render the list. Templates are found in components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl
    • Admin template - The template used when rendering the Fabrik list in administration pages.
    • Empty data message - Text to show when no records are found in the list
    • PDF Icon - Show a PDF button on the page which when clicked will generate a PDF versions of the list
    • PDF Template - You can specify an alternative template for the PDF file to use. If nothing selected here then the list's template setting is used.
    • PDF Orientation - landscape/portrait orientation
    • PDF Paper size - If you are experiencing errors when rendering as PDF increase the size defined here
    • Show title - toggle the visibility of the list's title

    Bootstrap list classes - Joomla 3.x only



    For custom links which use Placeholders please note that the element must either be set to :
    • show in list, or
    • include in list query
    • In addtion if you want the formatted version of the element's data when show in list = no, turn on "always render" option
    • Ajaxify links - should edit/view details links open in a modal window via ajax
    • Render buttosn as should edit/view/delete buttons be rendered inline or as a dropdown list.
    • Custom detail URL - Use placeholders to insert the current rows values, use {rowid} to insert the current row's primary key value. If set this option overrides the Fabrik Lists default detail url
    • Detail label - text for details link label
    • Custom edit URL - Use placeholders to insert the current rows values, use {rowid} to insert the current row's primary key value. If set this option overrides the Fabrik Lists default edit url
    • Edit label - text for edit link label
    • Checkbox location - Should the checkbox that allows users to select records, be shown at the beginning or end of the list
    • Custom add url - custom link for the add record button
    E.g. to edit a different form (which has an ID of 1) linked to the same db table as your current list your custom link may look like this:

    To link to the same form but as a details view the URL is:

    • Add button label - custom text for the add button.



    • Note - Add an internal memo for yourself and other administrators describing the purpose of the table. This note will appear as hover text when you roll over the table's title in the table list page



    • Alter existing field types - "Use Global" refers to the settings in Fabrik "Options".
      No: Fabrik will not attempt to alter the existing structure of the database table's fields when you save Elements.
      Add new fields only: Fabrik will not attempt to alter the existing database table's fields but will add new fields.
      Yes: Fabrik will add and update the fields types to best match the settings you choose for each element.
      Its advisable to leave this as "yes" unless you are confident with managing your database tables' structure from outside of Fabrik
    • Process Joomla plug-ins - If set to yes then any {plugin} code found in the table will be processed as if it were in a Joomla article. Note not all plug-ins are compatible with this feature.
    • Enable Single Ordering - Fabrik has two ordering models.
      • Single ordering - selecting one column to order by will remove the previous ordering
      • Mutliple ordering - selecting a column to order by will order by previously selected columns and then by the new column
    • Collation - which database collation to use
    • Disable caching - should the list ignore Joomla's caching

    Data Page​


    When editing an existing list the start of the data tab will look like this:

    Note you can now select the additional Options:
    • Primary key - the element that should be used as the primary key - this element's data should be unique for each record.
    • Auto increment - set the primary key element to be an auto-incrementing value. This is the recommended setting
    When creating a new list the data tab will appear as below:

    The data tab defines the data that the Fabrik list will use.
    • Connection - the Fabrik connection to store the list in
    • Table name - If you want to create a new database table enter its name here. Its best to user lowercase letters and "_" in the name.
    Note: Fabrik does not automatically replace "#_" with Joomla's database prefix and will strip the "#" from the database name . Trying to create a table called "#_test" will create one called "_test"
    • Database table - Alternatively you can link to an existing database table. If this option is selected Fabrik will automatically create the form, group and element's that correspond with the database table's structure. In addition you can also select a MySQL view to use as your Fabrik list's data source, in this case however, you will not be able to add or edit records.
    • Order by - The element to use to order the data by (note you can set ordering up for individual Elements in their table Options tab)
    • Order direction - The default order direction

    Group by​


    Splits the table data up into sub tables. Each sub table is "grouped" by the fact that they contain the same data for the "group by" element.
    • Group by - Select the element to group by
    • Access - which Joomla view level can use the front end group by option
    • Order by - Select the element to order the group by.
    • Front-end template - HTML template that appears before the start of each grouped by list. Use element Placeholders (e,g, {tablename___elementname}) To insert data form the first grouped by list's row into the template.
    • Order direction - Select the group order direction.
    • Start collapsed - should the grouped by data start in a collapsed state
    • Collapse others - should clicking on a grouped list, hide the other grouped Lists.
    Note you can override the group by column by adding '&group_by=tablename___elementname to your table's querystring


    Please see the prefilters page for an indepth discussion on pre-filters


    The joins page has detailed instructions!

    Related Data​

    Find out what related data can do for your Lists!

    Publishing Page​



    • Published - Is the table published or not, has to be published for users to see the table
    • Author - The user who created the table
    • Author Alias - An alias to the author
    • Created date - The date at which the table was created
    • Start Publishing - A start date and time at which to start publishing the table
    • Finish Publishing - An end date and time at which to stop publishing the table



    Note: Fabrik uses its own feed document type, which is an enhancement of the standard Joomla feed document. It is located in libraries/joomla/document/fabrikfeed/

    With this Fabrik can create special name spaces, such as the GEORSS name space for including geographical locations within the feed. We also allow for correct enclosures meaning that you can create pod-casts from your fabrik tables, that are automatically accessible in iTunes.

    • Create RSS feed - If yes selected then Fabrik will create a RSS feed out of the table's data - See the element's RSS feed Options section for further information on how to structure the content of the feed items.
    • Feed title - The element whose data will be used for the feed item's title
    • Feed date - The element whose data will be used for the feed item's date
    • RSS Limit - Default number of records returned by the feed. This can be overwritten in the feed url by adding "limit=10"
    • RSS Maximum Limit - The maximum number of items that the feed can output. The RSS limit setting must be lower than the value entered here.


    Note the structure of the CSV file mirrors that of the HTML view. So if you use the Join sections' merge data feature the CSV rows will also be merged


    • CSV import - This selects which user Groups can access the CSV import option.
    • Front end CSV export - This defines which user Groups can access the CSV export option in the front end
    • Heading format- When you export and import CSV files they should always have the same heading format.
      • For maximum compatibility within Fabrik choose "Element full name".
      • For increased legibility select "Element label"
    • Export step - to avoid server time outs when exporting large csv files we perform the export in stages via separate AJAX calls to the server. This value specifies how many records to export with each call to the server
    • Replace line breaks - What should happen to carriage return/line feed characters when exporting the data
    • Custom QS - OPTIONAL - any custom query string args you need to pass in when requesting the CSV. Can use standard Placeholders, including query strings. For instance, if you are pre-filtering your table on a query string value, you would need to add somearg={somearg}. Separate multiple args with &.
    • Front end options - Can the front end user select the CSV Options, if so then the following Options are ignored. If not then pressing the export button will automatically export the csv with the following settings
    • Include filters - If yes selected only the filtered data will be exported, if no selected the list's pre-filtered data will be exported.
    • CSV File format - Export files which are more compatible with Excel or as a standard CSV file
    • Which Elements - Which Elements to include in the export. If Visible is selected, all Elements set to display in the list view will be exported. If Selected is selected, use the following Elements option to pick the Elements to export. If All is selected, all Elements will be exported
    • Include data - Include the formatted data in the csv export. E.g. if a radio button stores a value as '1' and has a label of 'one' then 'one' will be exported
    • Include raw data - Include the raw data in the csv export. E.g. if a radio button stores a value as '1' and has a label of 'one' then '1' will be exported
    • Include calculations - Add any calculations (sums, averages, means etc) to the bottom of the exported CSV file

    Joomla Search​


    These Options refer to how the data in the Fabrik table is referenced by Joomla's main search. You must also install the Fabrik Search plug-in for the table's data to appear in Joomla's search results.
    • Include in search results - Select 'no' to hide the table's data from the search results.
    • Field - The element whose data will be used as the search results title
    • Description - The element whose data will be used as the search results descriptive text

    Open Archive Initiative​

    [Documentation required]

    Quick Icons​

    [Documentation required]

    Access Page​


    The access tab specifies what each user group can or can't do with the data presented in the table.
    • View list - The user level at which users can view the list
    • View records - The user level at which users can view the uneditable details view
    • Edit records - The use level at which users can edit the records
    • Or use field -Use this setting if the user doesn't have edit rights based on their group, but you still want them to be able to edit records that 'belong' to themselves. Select the element whose data will contain the user's id. The user will then be able to edit any records where the element's data match the user's id.
    • Add records - The access level at which users can add records
    • Delete records - The access level at which users can delete records
    • Or use field - the same principal as the Edit record's or use field option, except this applies to deleting records.
    • Empty records - The access level at which users can empty the table. This removes ALL records from the database and resets the primary key to 0 - Enable this with extreme caution!

    Plugins Page​

    The Plugins page allows you to add one or more List Plugins to this list. More details can be found on the List Plugins wiki page.

    Creating a link to your list​

    For your front-end users to access this list you need to create a link for them to click. The easiest way to do this is via a Joomla menu link:

    [Screen shots needed here]

    • Select "Menu->Main menu" from the top administration menu.
    • Then press the new button
    • Next select "Fabrik -> List"
    • Give your link a user-friendly name and on the right hand side of the form select the table you want to link to.
    • Press Save
    You have some additional Options you can edit if so desired:
    • Reload calculations - By default Fabrik only runs element calculations (sum, average etc) upon form submission. Select 'yes' here if you want those values to be recalculated each time the menu link is clicked on.
    • Template - overrides the table's template when viewing the table from this menu link
    • Reset filters - reset any applied filters (not prefilters) when clicking on this menu link