Confirmation form plugin

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  • The confirmation plug-in gives your users the chance to review their form's data, and to re-edit it before a final submission.

    There are no plug-in Options for this plug-in.

    To test if you are in the form or its confirmation page your js would be:

    window.addEvent('domready', function () {
    var confirm = document.getElement('input[name=fabrik_confirmation]');
    if (typeOf(confirm) !== 'null') {
    // you are on the confirmation page
    } else {
    // you are NOT on the confirmation page

    To complete, I found that in another post ( from Hugh, just tested):

    And your php would be:

    if ($this->app->input->get('fabrik_confirmation', '') === '1') {
    //you are on the confirmation page

    } else {
    // you are NOT on the confirmation page
